Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke in Seniors
Understand your older adult’s health conditions Check with their doctor to find out if medications or treatments, like diuretics or...
Elderly Are at High Risk of Heat Stroke
Seniors are at risk for heat stroke during hot weather Seniors need to be more aware of overheating and heat stroke because their bodies...
10 Ways to Keep Seniors Cool This Summer
Drink plenty of cool water throughout the day (don’t wait until they feel thirsty) and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Eat cooling snacks...
Leg Swelling in Aging: What to Know & What to Do - Part 5 of 5
by Nicole Didyk, MD The Take-Home Messages about Leg Swelling: Edema (or swelling) of the lower limbs is common in older adults. The...
Leg Swelling in Aging: What to Know & What to Do - Part 4 of 5
by Nicole Didyk, MD How Leg Swelling is Treated As I noted above: most of the time, leg swelling in an older adult is caused by chronic...
Leg Swelling in Aging: What to Know & What to Do - Part 3 of 5
by Nicole Didyk, MD How Leg Swelling is Medically Evaluated What to Tell Your Doctor About Leg Swelling If you’ve noticed new or...
Leg Swelling in Aging: What to Know & What to Do - Part 2 of 5
by Nicole Didyk, MD What are the most common causes of leg edema? By far, the most common cause of leg edema is chronic venous...
Leg Swelling in Aging: What to Know & What to Do - Part 1 of 5
by Nicole Didyk, MD Swelling in the lower legs – known as “lower extremity edema” in medical terms – is a problem that often affects...
How to Know When Home Care is Needed
When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, their family may try to continue caring for them at home for...
Essential do’s and don’ts for visiting someone with Alzheimer’s
Part 2 - THE DO LIST Say “do you remember?” This can cause anger or embarrassment. Argue. If they say something that’s not correct, just...
Essential do’s and don’ts for visiting someone with Alzheimer’s
Part 1 - THE DO LIST * Keep your tone and body language friendly and positive. * Don’t speak too loudly. * Make eye contact and stay at...
Effective Responses to Criticism of Your Caregiving
Try a more effective response to caregiver criticism Getting criticized is unpleasant – especially from family or friends who don’t lift...
Dementia: Creating a Dementia Friendly Home
4 ways to create a dementia friendly home by making things easier to see 1. Avoid reflective surfaces and keep lighting even Shiny or...