Dysphagia - Part I
D Y S P H A G I A Series (pronounced dis-fay-gee-ah) What is Dysphagia? It is a difficulty with swallowing. It typically results from the...
Cold and Flu Prevention Tips - Tip #4
Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth We often touch our faces without thinking, which is a common way for cold and flu germs to enter...
Cold and Flu Prevention Tips - Tip #2
Tip #2: Wash or sanitize hands thoroughly and often Frequently hand washing with regular soap is an effective way to get rid of cold...
Cold and Flu Prevention Tips to Reduce Risk for Seniors and Caregivers
Tip #1: Cold and Flu Prevention Tips 1. Get the flu vaccine Getting a flu shot reduces the risk of getting the flu. It also reduces the...
Manage the Mean Monday
📷 Part 4: Aggressive Behavior in Dementia Some people with Alzheimer’s or dementia may enter a combative stage of dementia. This is a...
Masks Save Lives
August 27, 2020 © Dmitry Kalinovsky @123rf Reminding others that “masks save lives” isn’t just sound advice. It’s a scientific fact that...
Reliable PPE Source!
A year into the pandemic and some resources are still scarce. There are other resources that are available but are being charge at 2-5...
Manage the Mean Monday
Part 3: Ways to Reduce & Manage Mean Behavior 1. Calm the situation down The first thing to do is reduce the tension in the room. Start...
Manage the Mean Monday
Part 2: Why Someone with Dementia Says Mean Things First, it’s important to understand why this hurtful behavior is happening. Dementia...
Manage the Mean Monday
Part 1 - Hurtful Things They May Say People with dementia might say hurtful things When you’re caring for an older adult with Alzheimer’s...
Ways a Caregiver Can Encourage Independence
4 Ways a Caregiver Can Encourage a Loved One's Independence by Barry J. Jacobs, AARP Caregiving is not babysitting. Let those who...